Welcome To Your Life

Lilypie Baby Ticker

This is an account of the magical creation of life. Andy and I (Siobhan) are creating this place in order to document our feeling through this process... but more importantly to give us somewhere we can record the little things that might otherwise get lost along the way of this monumental voyage of having our first baby. Fig.. This is for you.

Friday, January 06, 2006

helllooooo my lovely little shrimp baby

Ok, so there are a couple of things I think that I ought to explain. Like the URL of your Blog and the fruit referances…… well my little one as Dad and I have decided to keep your gender a surprise we don’t want to bias things by referring to you as either one or the other. Instead we have opted to call you by the size of fruit you are…. This is becoming increasing difficult as you are growing A LOT!! At the mo you are the size of a large shrimp (12cm ) and try as we might we can not find a fruit for you to be this week – hence the Shrimp. As for the Blog address…. Well simple, at the time we started this Blog you were no bigger than a grain of rice. And hey…. We do all love rice here…. And figs, and kiwis, and apples and shrimp.

It has been a while since I have written, there has been so much going on…. and in between a lot of sleeping for me. Your scan was as Dad has said… mind blowing. I don’t know that I can even really explain it to you… I felt as though I were floating. When the Radiographer found you we both held our breath. And there you were a tiny little person. Sleeping (so you’re like me then!!) and then it happened, you started to wriggle about furiously. Jumping up and sliding back down. Your arms were waving around and if I didn’t know better I would have said that you doing a 'Shiv dance'. Then collapse, enough exerting yourself and back to the sleep you went.

Since then there has been a lot going on, including Christmas. I don’t that you’re a great fan of flying. Although I can not feel you moving around yet, I feel that I have an awareness of you. I can tell if you are awake or asleep, contented or grumpy. Assuming that I am not imagining it – you were defiantly not pleased with the travelling bit….. you went very quiet for about a day after each flight. I’m afraid that you are just going to have to get used to it… I have a bit of a travel bug in me, just look at the fact I ended up here! Dad and I were talking about it and have agreed that you are to be one of those un/fortunate children who return to school with tails of snakes in the rainforest as apposed to lazing by the pool. Although we may have to start off with sarnies in a tent to begin with – until Dad and I make our fortune with beaded super computers.

Well Mum has to do some work now, so let me leave you with the reiteration of what I hope is the most obvious thing in the world… How much I love you.

Sweet dreams my little Shrimp baby.